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R 0.40
  • 12 FREE credits
  • Buy in Bundles of 250
  • Bulk Discount Available
  • Never Expires
* SMSes to South Africa or Namibia costs R 0.40 per sms. However, other countries can cost more or less. Please be sure to check the SMS Pricing Schedule for a breakdown of costs per country.

Geolocation API

R 0.05
  • 250 FREE credits /day
  • Buy in Bundles of 50,000
  • Bulk Discount Available
  • Never Expires

Whois API

R 1.00
  • 5 FREE credits
  • Buy in Bundles of 100
  • Bulk Discount Available
  • Never Expires

Currency API

R 0.02
  • 20 FREE credits /day
  • Buy in Bundles of 2,500
  • Bulk Discount Available
  • Never Expires

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